Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series STR-LPT-ENS-HE
Subjects hep-th
Date Friday 30 April 2021
Time 14:00
Institute DPT-PHYS-ENS
Seminar Room GoToMeeting
Speaker's Last Name Tolley
Speaker's First Name Andrew
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Imperial College
Title New positivity bounds from full crossing symmetry
Abstract Positivity bounds are powerful tools to constrain effective field theories. Utilizing the partial wave expansion in the dispersion relation and the full crossing symmetry of the scattering amplitude, we derive several sets of generically nonlinear positivity bounds for a generic scalar effective field theory: We refer to these as the PQ, Dsu, Dstu and D¯stu bounds. While the PQ bounds and Dsu bounds only make use of the s↔u dispersion relation, the Dstu and D¯stu bounds are obtained by further imposing the s↔t crossing symmetry. In contradistinction to the linear positivity for scalars, these inequalities can be applied to put upper and lower bounds on Wilson coefficients, and are much more constraining as shown in the lowest orders. In particular we are able to exclude theories with soft amplitude behaviour such as weakly broken Galileon theories from admitting a standard UV completion. We also apply these bounds to chiral perturbation theory and we find these bounds are stronger than the previous bounds in constraining its Wilson coefficients.
arXiv Preprint Number 2011.02400

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