Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-LPTM-UCP
Date Tuesday 5 October 2021
Time 14:00
Institute LPTM
Seminar Room Distanciel TEAMS
Speaker's Last Name Leow
Speaker's First Name Alex
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Depts of Psychiatry and Biomedical Engineering, CME, UIC, Chicago
Title The human brain as a dynamic system: things I learned about the brain through the lens of statistical physics.
Abstract In this talk I would like to share some self-reflections, as a computational person at heart while also practicing medicine as part of my job description, attempting to understand the human mind using hard sciences. To illustrate my point we will discuss the idea of the human connectome (a complete diagram of human brain connectivity on a mesoscale) as informed using modern magnetic resonance (MR) techniques of diffusion-weighted MR imaging and resting-state functional MRI. I will discuss in detail our team's ongoing research efforts that leverage fundamental principles of modern physics first discovered in statistical and thermal physics (e.g., the maximum entropy principle, Boltzmann distribution, etc.), in the hope of stimulating interest among researchers from different disciplines to work together towards a better understanding of the human brain, arguably the very core of human experience.
arXiv Preprint Number

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