Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series LPENS-MDQ
Subjects cond-mat
Date Monday 13 December 2021
Time 13:30
Institute LPENS
Seminar Room Salle Djebar - 29 rue d'Ulm
Speaker's Last Name Dréau
Speaker's First Name Anaïs
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, L2C
Title Broad diversity of near-infrared single-photon emitters in silicon
Abstract The boom of silicon in semiconductor technologies was closely tied to the ability to control its density of lattice defects [1]. After being regarded as detrimental to the crystal quality in the first half of the 20th century [2], point defects have become an essential tool to tune the electrical properties of this semiconductor, leading to the development of a flourishing silicon industry [1]. At the turn of the 21st century, progress in Si-fabrication and implantation processes has triggered a radical change by enabling the control of these defects at the single level [3]. This paradigm shift has brought silicon into the quantum age, where individual dopants are nowadays used as robust quantum bits to encode and process quantum information [4]. These individual qubits can be efficiently controlled and detected by all-electrical means [4], but have the drawback of either being weakly coupled to light [5] or emitting in the mid-infrared range [6] unsuitable for optical fiber propagation. In order to isolate matter qubits that feature an optical interface enabling long-distance exchange of quantum information while benefiting from well-advanced silicon integrated photonics [7], one strategy is to investigate defects in silicon that are optically-active in the near-infrared telecom bands [8, 9]. In this talk, I will present our latest results on the isolation of single optically-active defects in silicon [10,11,12]. Despite its small band gap, this semiconductor hosts a large variety of emitters that can be optically detected at single scale at 10K. We have identified individual emitters in silicon belonging to eight different families of fluorescent defects, including the common carbon-complex called the G-center and the intrinsic defect named the W-center [13]. Single-photon emission is demonstrated over the 1.1–1.55 µm range, spanning the O and C telecom bands. Given the advanced control over nanofabrication and integration in silicon, these individual artificial atoms are promising systems to investigate for Si-based quantum technologies, including integrated quantum photonics and quantum communications. [1] Yoshida and Langouche, Defects and Impurities in Silicon Materials, Ed. Springer (2015). [2] Queisser and Haller, Science 281, 945 (1998). [3] Morello et al., Nature 467, 687 (2010). [4] He et al., Nature 571, 371 (2019). [5] Steger et al., Science 336, 1280 (2012). [6] Morse et al., Science Advances 3, e1700930 (2017). [7] Silverstone et al., IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 22, 390 (2016). [8] Bergeron et al., PRX Quantum 1, 020301 (2020). [9] Weiss et al., Optica 8, 40 (2021). [10] Redjem et al., Nature Electronics 3, 738 (2020). [11] Durand et al., Physical Review Letters 126, 083602 (2021). [12] Baron et al., arXiv:2108.04283 (2021). [13] G. Davies, Physics Reports 176, 83-188 (1989).
arXiv Preprint Number

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