Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series LPENS-MDQ
Subjects cond-mat
Date Monday 28 March 2022
Time 13:30
Institute LPENS
Seminar Room L378
Speaker's Last Name Roch
Speaker's First Name Nicolas
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Institut Néel, Grenoble
Title Josephson junction metamaterials: quantum simulation and metrology
Abstract Given their weak dissipation, large non-linearity and versatility, Josephson junction metamaterials constitute a promising platform to explore a large class of physical phenomena, from quantum phase transitions to non-linear quantum optics in the microwave domain. In this talk I will discuss two recent experiments. First, I will report on the measurement of a fully-tunable model system where a long chain of several thousands linear Josephson elements, acting as a strongly dissipative environment, is terminated by a small Josephson junction endowed with a strong non- linearity, acting as a single impurity. Using this quantum simulator we could test predictions of the Boundary Sine Gordon model, including non-perturbative renormalization of the Josephson energy or many-body dissipation. It is interesting to note that, in some parameter ranges, the explanation of our data exceeds the capabilities of the most advanced many-body numerical techniques. Then, I will discuss our observation of quantized current steps in the current-voltage characteristic of these Josephson junction metamaterials and their interpretation in the context of Bloch oscillations and quantum metrology.
arXiv Preprint Number

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