Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series RENC-THEO
Subjects hep-th
Date Thursday 30 September 2021
Time 11:00
Institute IHP
Seminar Room Zoom
Speaker's Last Name Palti
Speaker's First Name Eran
Speaker's Email Address palti [at] bgu [dot] ac [dot] il
Speaker's Institution Ben Gourion University
Title Convexity of Charged Operators in CFTs and the Weak Gravity Conjecture
Abstract In this talk I will introduce a particular formulation of the Weak Gravity Conjecture in AdS space in terms of the self-binding energy of a particle. The holographic CFT dual of this formulation corresponds to a certain convex-like structure for operators charged under continuous global symmetries. Motivated by this, we propose a conjecture that this convexity is a general property of all CFTs, not just those with weakly-curved gravitational duals. It is possible to test this in simple CFTs, the conjecture passes all the tests performed so far.
arXiv Preprint Number 2108.04594
Comments Zoom link:
  • Paris.pdf (10606925 bytes) OPEN

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