Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series RENC-THEO
Subjects hep-th
Date Thursday 2 December 2021
Time 10:00
Institute IHP
Seminar Room Institut Henri Poincaré, Room 314
Speaker's Last Name Berkooz
Speaker's First Name Micha
Speaker's Email Address micha [dot] berkooz [at] weizmann [dot] ac [dot] il
Speaker's Institution Weizmann Institute of Science
Title Multi-trace correlators in the SYK model and Non-geometric wormholes
Abstract We consider the global fluctuations in the density of states of the SYK model, which are much larger than the standard RMT correlations. We provide a diagrammatic description of their leading and subleading behavior. In either case, the new set of correlations are not associated with (and are much larger than) the ones given by topological wormholes, and hint towards the dual of a single realization. In particular, we suggest that incorporating them in the gravity description requires the introduction of new, lighter and lighter, fields in the bulk with fluctuating boundary couplings.
arXiv Preprint Number
  • Paris1.pdf (1584981 bytes) OPEN

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