Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series MATH-IHES
Subjects math
Date Monday 8 November 2021
Time 14:00
Institute IHES
Seminar Room Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane
Speaker's Last Name Garcia-Prada
Speaker's First Name Oscar
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution ICMAT, Madrid
Title Higgs Bundles and Higher Teichmüller Spaces
Abstract In this talk I will present a general construction in terms of Higgs bundles of the higher Teichmüller components of the character variety of a surface group for a real Lie group admitting a positive structure in the sense of Guichard-Wienhard. Key ingredients in this construction are the notion of magical sl2-triple, that we introduce, and the Cayley correspondence. Basics on Higgs bundle theory will be explained. (Based on joint work with Bradlow, Collier, Gothen and Oliveira).
arXiv Preprint Number
Comments Séminaire Géométrie et groupes discrets

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