Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Date Vendredi 7 Janvier 2022
Heure 13:00
Institut LPENS
Salle Salle Favard, IBENS
Nom de l'orateur Bally-Cuif
Prenom de l'orateur Laure
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Institue Pasteur
Titre Single cell and population mechanisms controlling adult neural stem cell maintenance
Résumé We are interested in understanding how single cell and population events combine to ensure the maintenance of neural stem cell (NSC) pools in the adult brain. We focus on the dorsal telencephalon(pallium), which hosts NSCs in all adult vertebrates. In teleost fish such as the zebrafish, the pallial NSC pool consists of a monolayer of tightly juxtaposed radial glial cells. NSCs are mostly quiescent, but can transiently activate (ie. enter the cell cycle and divide) to divide and generate other NSCs and/or neurons. The NSC decision to activate, and the fate choices it makes at division, are two key events that condition NSC maintenance. These events are controlled at both the single-cell and the population levels, and we are taking quantitative and dynamic approaches to understand these processes in time and space. For this, we developed an intra- vital imaging method to directly record, over weeks and with single cell resolution, the behavior of NSCs in their niche (>1,000 cells per pallial hemisphere). With this method, we generated a 4D map of NSC activation and division events. Using spatial statistics and mathematical modeling in an NSC lattice, we showed that NSC activation events are spatiotemporally correlated by local and temporally delayed interactions that occur between brain germinal cells and generate self-propagating dynamics. We also observed that NSC apical size is highly predictive of NSC fate decisions at division, and are analyzing the mechanisms involved and their cell- and non-cell-autonomous impact. Together, this work will highlight how NSCs across the germinal sheet coordinate their state and fate decisions for the harmonious and long-lasting maintenance of the NSC pool.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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