Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines hep-th
Date Lundi 15 Novembre 2021
Heure 10:30
Institut IHES
Salle Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane
Nom de l'orateur Smilga
Prenom de l'orateur Andrei
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Université de Nantes
Titre Spin(7) and Generalized SO(8) Instantons in Eight Dimensions
Résumé I will start with briefly reminding the standard construction of 4-dimensional BPST instantons. They represent topologically nontrivial self-dual gauge field configurations realizing the minima of the Euclidean Yang-Mills action $S \propto \int_{R^4} \, F \wedge \star F$. The associated topology is $\pi_3[SU(2)] = \mathbb{Z}$. The mappings $S^3 \to SU(2)$ have the well-known rather simple explicit form. Similar objects exist in higher dimensions, in particular, in eight dimensions. A special class of $8D$ instantons with the gauge group $SO(8)$ has been known since last millenium. In that case, the associated mappings $S^7 \to SO(8)$ represented a rather straightforward generalization of the mappings $S^3 \to SU(2)$. In this talk, I'll consider first the $Spin(7)$ gauge group and present a simple compact formula for a topologically nontrivial map $S^7 \to Spin(7)$ associated with the fiber bundle $Spin(7) \stackrel{G_2}{\to} S^7$. It reads $$ g \ =\ \exp \left\{- \frac 12 \alpha_m f_{mnk} \Gamma_n \Gamma_k \right\}\,, $$ where $\alpha_{m=1,\ldots,7}$ is a 7-dimensional vector of norm $0 \leq \|\alpha_m\| \leq \pi$ that parametrizes $S^7$, $\Gamma_m$ are the gamma matrices and $f_{mnk}$ are the structure constants of the octonion algebra, The homotopy group $\pi_7[Spin(7)] = \mathbb{Z}$ brings about the topologically nontrivial 8-dimensional gauge field configurations that belong to the algebra $spin(7)$. The instantons are special such configurations that minimize the functional $\int_{R^8} {\rm Tr} \{F\wedge F \wedge \star(F \wedge F)\} $ and satisfy {\it non-linear} self-duality conditions, $ F \wedge F \ =\ \pm \star (F\wedge F)$. $Spin(7) \subset SO(8)$, and $Spin(7)$ instantons represent simultaneously $SO(8)$ instantons of a new type. The relevant homotopy is $\pi_7[SO(8)] = \mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}$, which implies the existence of {\it two} different topological charges. This also holds for all groups $SO(4n)$ with integer $n$. We present explicit expressions for two topological charges and calculate their values for the conventional 4-dimensional and 8-dimensional instantons and also for the 8-dimensional instantons of the new type. Similar constructions for other algebras in different dimensions are briefly discussed.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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