Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-INFOR
Subjects cond-mat.mes-hall
Date Tuesday 5 July 2022
Time 15:00
Institute LPTMC
Seminar Room Jussieu towers 12/13 room 523 (5th floor)
Speaker's Last Name Nussinov
Speaker's First Name Zohar
Speaker's Email Address zohar [at] wustl [dot] edu
Speaker's Institution Washington University in St Louis
Title D-dimensional gauge like symmetries, dualities, and topological orders
Abstract We introduce and discuss aspects of "d-dimensional gauge-like symmetries" (also often referred to as "higher" or "subsystem symmetries''). We show how such symmetries may lead to dimensional reductions. In particular, we discuss the effects of thermal fluctuations using a generalization of Elitzur's theorem. We describe how these symmetries can lead to topological orders and illustrate that, depending on the system geometry, there are both quantum and classical systems that have degeneracies that depend on the system topology or are exponentially large in the system boundary area. We will then briefly discuss the "bond algebraic" approach to dualities and explain why dualities are often conformal. Using this approach, we illustrate that the nearest neighbor "XXZ honeycomb compass" (a two component (XY) analog of the Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice) and square lattice Majorana Hubbard model both exhibit exact 3D Ising type transitions. With these dualities, we compute the free energies of the X-cube model and other topologically ordered systems.
arXiv Preprint Number

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