Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Série TQM
Domaines cond-mat
Date Jeudi 24 Novembre 2022
Heure 14:00
Institut LPTHE
Salle INSP Jussieu towers 22-23 room 3-17
Nom de l'orateur Capone
Prenom de l'orateur Massimo
Addresse email de l'orateur capone [at] sissa [dot] it
Institution de l'orateur SISSA Trieste
Titre Competing Correlated Insulators in multi-orbital systems coupled to phonons
Résumé It is nowadays established that multi-orbital correlated materials display a number of distinctive phenomena which can be captured in terms of Hubbard models featuring the interplay between Hubbard repulsion U and the Hund’s exchange J. In this talk I will address how an electron-phonon coupling affects this picture. I will show that a Jahn-Teller coupling coexists with the Mott localization driven by the Hubbard repulsion U, but it competes with the Hund's coupling J. This interplay leads to two spectacularly different Mott insulators, a standard high-spin Mott insulator with frozen phonons which is stable when the Hund's coupling prevails, and a low-spin Mott-bipolaronic insulator favoured by phonons, where the characteristic features of Mott insulators and bipolarons coexist. The two phases are separated by a sharp boundary along which an intriguing intermediate solution emerges as a kind of compromise between the two solutions. I will finally address the stability of this scenario when doping is included.
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