Statut |
Confirmé |
Série |
Domaines |
hep-th,math.AG |
Date |
Jeudi 13 Octobre 2022 |
Heure |
11:30 |
Institut |
Salle |
bibliothèque du LPTHE, tour 13-14, 4eme étage |
Nom de l'orateur |
Zimmermann |
Prenom de l'orateur |
Susanna |
Addresse email de l'orateur |
Institution de l'orateur |
Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay |
Titre |
Birational maps of the plane |
Résumé |
Birational symmetries are among the oldest in literature, starting with the
involution at the circle by Apollonius. A birational map is simply a map whose
coordinates are quotients of polynomials and that have an inverse map of the same
type. The group of birational maps of the plane is very large and has enjoyed
attention on and off for about 150 years. In this talk I will give an overview of
some recent advances. |
Numéro de preprint arXiv |
Commentaires |
Fichiers attachés |