Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series TQM
Subjects cond-mat.mes-hall
Date Thursday 2 February 2023
Time 14:00
Institute LPTHE
Seminar Room INSP Jussieu towers 22-23 room 3-17
Speaker's Last Name Anthore
Speaker's First Name Anne
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution C2N Palaiseau & Université Paris Cité
Title Noise signatures of Anyon statistics and Andreev scattering in the nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall regime
Abstract Anyons are exotic quasiparticles which can carry a fractional charge of an electron and with an exchange statistic inbetween that of fermions and bosons. These properties were revealed using quantum point contacts (QPC) in the fractional quantum Hall regime1,2. In this talk, I will report further noise investigation of anyon physics. Sourcing e/3 anyons at a first QPC, noise measured on a downstream "analyzer" QPC reveals different mechanisms. Setting the analyser to allow e/3 tunneling charges, we reproduce the negative cross-correlations previously observed2, indicative of a non-trivial anyon exchange phase3. When 1 e charges tunnel across the analyser, the braid phase is predicted to be trivial. Our observation of negative cross-correlations points on a scattering mechanism akin to Andreev reflection at Normal/Superconductor interfaces, as suggested in4. Remarkably, in both cases, electrical conduction through the analyser does not preserve the nature or number of quasiparticles, rendering the beam splitter analogy of a QPC invalid. [1] L. Saminadayar et al., PRL 79, 2526 (1997) [2] H. Bartolomei et al., Science 368, 173-177 (2020) [3] B. Rosenow et al. PRL, 116, 156802 (2016) [4] C. L. Kane and M. P. A. Fisher, PRB 67, 045307 (2003)
arXiv Preprint Number
Comments With P. Glidic, O. Maillet, C. Piquard, A. Aassime, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, U. Gennser & F. Pierre

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