Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series RENC-THEO
Subjects hep-th
Date Thursday 8 December 2022
Time 11:45
Institute IHP
Seminar Room Grisvard (314)
Speaker's Last Name Rodina
Speaker's First Name Laurentiu
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Queen Mary U. London
Title The geometry of EFT and CFT
Abstract I will show that the space of EFT couplings and the space of 2D CFT partition functions can be described by identical geometries known as "moment problems" in the mathematics literature. Using Minkowski sums one can bootstrap both geometries analytically, including constraints which so far have been less explored. These include the unitarity upper bound and low spin dominance (for EFT) and degeneracy integrality (for CFT), leading to interesting reductions in allowed theory space.
arXiv Preprint Number

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