Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series COURS
Subjects physics
Date Friday 31 March 2023
Time 10:15
Institute IPHT
Seminar Room Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774
Speaker's Last Name Eric Perlmutter
Speaker's First Name
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution
Title The space of holographic CFTs
Abstract This course will provide a modern point of view on the wide world of large $N$ conformal field theory (CFT) in diverse spacetime dimensions, placed in the context of the conformal bootstrap and the AdS/CFT Correspondence.\\ Some questions we will tackle: \\ What is a ``Holographic CFT''? \\ -- When does a CFT give rise to an equivalent, emergent simple gravity description? \\ -- What is the conformal bootstrap, and how is it used to constrain and classify the space of consistent large $N$ CFTs and theories of quantum gravity? \\ -- Is string theory the only choice? How can we detect strings and extra dimensions from properties of field theories? \\ -- What precise predictions does quantum gravity seem to make about the space of strongly coupled CFTs? \\ Provisional lecture plan: \\ Lectures I-II: Introducing CFTs and their data, large $N$ conformal bootstrap, AdS/CFT, and the notion of ``Holographic CFT'' \\ Lecture III: Correlation functions and holography \\ Lecture IV: Bootstrapping the space of Holographic CFTs \\ Lecture V: Special focus: Two-dimensional CFTs and AdS$_3$ gravity \\ \\ Course website: \\ \\ Videoconference and in person in Salle Itzykson, IPhT \\ Livestream on no subscription required
arXiv Preprint Number

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