Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines hep-ph
Date Vendredi 30 Juin 2023
Heure 14:00
Institut LPTHE
Salle Library
Nom de l'orateur Chakraborti
Prenom de l'orateur Sreemanti
Addresse email de l'orateur sreemanti [dot] c [at] gmail [dot] com
Institution de l'orateur IPPP Durham
Titre The interactions and the possible probes of a light scalar dark matter
Résumé We study a minimal model for a light scalar dark matter (DM) with a mass of a few GeV, requiring a light dark photon mediator to interact with the Standard Model (SM) particles. We analyse the model by focusing on the p-wave Breit-Wigner resonance for DM annihilation channels, considering the thermal relic abundance condition that includes the early kinetic decoupling effect. The interactions of the mediator can be constrained by various low-energy terrestrial probes such as proton beam-dumps measuring rare meson decays or electron beam-dump experiments measuring mediator decay into leptons. On the other hand, the interactions of the DM are tested by indirect searches, which include the cosmic ray and gamma-ray observations, and also by the low-mass direct detection experiments. We do a systematic analysis involving the latest and future limits in each category of the experiments/observations.
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