Status | Confirmed |
Seminar Series | SEM-LPTMC |
Subjects | cond-mat |
Date | Monday 13 May 2024 |
Time | 10:45 |
Institute | LPTMC |
Seminar Room | campus Jussieu, couloir 12-13, 5ème étage, salle 5-23 |
Speaker's Last Name | Ullmo |
Speaker's First Name | Denis |
Speaker's Email Address | |
Speaker's Institution | |
Title | Pedestrians in static crowds are not grains, but game players |
Abstract | Pedestrians in static crowds are not grains, but game players. The short-term (operational) dynamics of pedestrian crowds are generally thought to involve no anticipation, except perhaps the avoidance of the most imminent collisions. I will show that current models rooted in this belief fail to reproduce essential features observed experimentally by Nicolas et al. [Sci. Rep. 9, 105 (2019).] when a static crowd is crossed by an intruder. The missing ingredient can be identified as the pedestrians ability to plan ahead far enough beyond the next interaction. On this basis, I will introduce a minimal model based on mean-field game theory which proves remarkably successful in capturing the experimental observations associated with this setting, but also other daily-life situations such as partial metro boarding. These findings are clear evidence that a long term game theoretical approach is key to capturing essential elements of the dynamics of crowds. [refs : Phys. Rev. E 107, 024612 (2023), SciPost Phys. 16, 104 (2024)] |
arXiv Preprint Number | |
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Attachments |
To Generate a poster for this seminar : [ Postscript | PDF ]
[ English version ] |