Statut |
Confirmé |
Série |
Domaines |
nucl-th |
Date |
Mercredi 6 Mars 2024 |
Heure |
16:00 |
Institut |
Salle |
A243 |
Nom de l'orateur |
Warrington |
Prenom de l'orateur |
Neill |
Addresse email de l'orateur |
Institution de l'orateur |
Titre |
Laboratory Lattice Field Theory and Numerical Qubit Design |
Résumé |
I will present my recent work developing connections between precision
quantum experiments and quantum many body physics. I will present lattice
field theory calculations informing atomic gas experiments, then speculate a
way to take a literal continuum limit in the lab. I will then present a
numerical framework for qubit design. |
Numéro de preprint arXiv |
Commentaires |
Fichiers attachés |
- Abstract.pdf (137563 bytes)