Résumé |
Lattice methods are of fundamental importance when dealing with strongly coupled QFTs. I will consider one
of the simplest gauge theories, the Schwinger model (QED in 1+1 dimensions) with one or more fermion
flavors. This theory is solvable only if the fermions are massless; if they are massive we need to resort to
numerical methods, such as Kogut-Susskind staggered fermions. I will improve this lattice implementation of
the Schwinger model by considering the chiral anomaly on the lattice; this will imply that the relation between
lattice and continuum parameters is subtle. The correct identification of the parameters will greatly improve
numerical convergence, and I wll use this to obtain new quantitative and qualitative results, e.g. the phase
diagram of the two flavor Schwinger model at zero temperature. |