Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Subjects quant-ph
Date Thursday 25 April 2024
Time 16:15
Institute CDF
Seminar Room Salle 2
Speaker's Last Name Bloch
Speaker's First Name Immanuel
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and LMU Munich, Germany
Title New Frontiers for Quantum Simulation with Atom and Molecules
Abstract Quantum simulation has enabled engineering and probing quantum matter in new parameter regimes and with compelling novel probes. Individual snapshots can reveal the position and spin of each atom in the system thereby providing access to complex correlations in materials that are often crucial to understand their behaviour. In my talk, I will discuss recent progress on quantum simulation with ultracold atoms and molecules in optical lattices and tweezers. The physics of strongly correlated electronic materials can e.g. be efficiently realized using ultracold fermionic atoms. Tuneable lattice geometries allow one to introduce programmable geometries and mixed dimensional situations in which doping can be continuously tuned. I will show how pairing of charge carriers and extended stripe-like structures emerge under such conditions due to an interplay of mobile dopant, mixed dimensions, and an antiferromagnetic background. Polar molecules provide an alternative platform for realizing long-range interacting itinerant systems but have for a long time been plagued by uncontrolled losses. I will delineate how such losses can be overcome using microwave radiation and give rise to novel field-linked scattering resonances that allow assembling larger ultracold molecular complexes also opening the route to p-wave superfluids. Finally, I will discuss how merging the techniques of optical lattices and optical tweezers provides for a powerful platform for quantum simulation and computing that has enabled the continued operation of large arrays of atoms over time.
arXiv Preprint Number

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