Status | Confirmed |
Seminar Series | CPMC |
Subjects | astro-ph,cond-mat,gr-qc,hep-ex,hep-lat,hep-ph,hep-th,physics,quant-ph |
Date | Thursday 22 May 2025 |
Time | 17:00 |
Institute | UFR-PHYS-SU |
Seminar Room | Amphi 25 Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Jussieu |
Speaker's Last Name | Queloz |
Speaker's First Name | Didier |
Speaker's Email Address | |
Speaker's Institution | Cambridge U & ETH Zurich |
Title | The exoplanet revolution |
Abstract | TBA |
arXiv Preprint Number | |
Comments | |
Attachments |
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