Résumé |
In the context of inflationary cosmology a natural question arises on
what precedes inflation itself. We review aspects of the Hartle-Hawking (no
boundary) and Vilenkin (tunneling) proposals, and their relation to the Wheeler-
DeWitt equation.
These raise some paradoxes that are complementary in nature and in clash with
On the other hand theories of quantum gravity are better defined in the presence
of a negative cosmological constant. I will propose a new type of wave function of
the universe
with asymptotically AdS boundary conditions in the far (Euclidean) past.
In the semiclassical limit, it describes a Euclidean (half)-wormhole geometry with
properties that result in an expanding universe upon analytic continuation to
Lorentzian signature.
In this context some of the aforementioned phenomenological issues can be