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Statut | Confirmé |
Série | RENC-THEO |
Domaines | hep-th |
Date | Jeudi 21 Novembre 2024 |
Heure | 10:00 |
Institut | IHP |
Salle | Grisvard (314) |
Nom de l'orateur | Godet |
Prenom de l'orateur | Victor |
Addresse email de l'orateur | |
Institution de l'orateur | LPTHE |
Titre | Quantum cosmology as automorphic dynamics |
Résumé | I will explain how some recent progress on the Wheeler-DeWitt equation makes possible the systematic development of quantum cosmology in the canonical formulation. The cosmological wavefunctions are automorphic forms, and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation reduces to a dynamical equation on moduli space, so that quantum cosmology is equivalent to "automorphic dynamics". |
Numéro de preprint arXiv | |
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