Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines cond-mat
Date Mardi 24 Mars 2009
Heure 10:45
Institut LPS/ENS
Salle Conf IV, cafe a 10h30
Nom de l'orateur Hartmann
Prenom de l'orateur Alexander K.
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Institute for Physics, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Titre Hierarchical clustering for Ising spin glasses and combinatorial optimization problems
Résumé We study numerically the solution-space clustering properties of random ensembles of three models of disordered glassy problems. Namely we investigate the vertex-cover problem, the number-partitioning problem (both are optimization problems) and a one-dimensional Ising spin glass with tunable long-range interaction. We use branch-and-bound type algorithms to obtain exact solutions of these problems for moderate system sizes as well as parallel tempering simulations (MC3). Using two methods, direct neighborhood-based clustering and hierarchical clustering, we investigate the structure of the solution space. The main result is that the correspondence between solution-space structure and the phase diagrams of the problems is not unique. Namely, for vertex cover we observe a drastic change of the solution space from large single clusters (in the replica-symmetric phase, as obtained by previous analytical studies) to multiple nested levels of clusters (in the replica-symmetry broken phase). In contrast, for the number-partitioning problem, the phase space looks always very simple, similar to a random distribution of the lowest-energy configurations. This holds in the ``easy''/solvable phase as well as in the ``hard''/unsolvable phase. Finally, for the long-range spin glass, we observe a complicated clustering structure, as well as ultrametricity, close to the point where the model attains a trivial behavior (and where it is believed to be equivalent to standard one and two-dimensional short-range spin glasses)
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