Statut | Confirmé |
Série | WORK-CONF |
Domaines | hep-th |
Date | Mardi 1 Juin 2010 |
Heure | 13:30 |
Institut | LPTENS |
Salle | Salle IV |
Nom de l'orateur | David Tong, Martin Schnabl, Vasily Pestun, Rajesh Gopakumar |
Prenom de l'orateur | |
Addresse email de l'orateur | |
Institution de l'orateur | |
Titre | Mini-conference on string theory |
Résumé | This is a mini-conference consisting of four 45-minute talks on various topics in string theory. The schedule is as follows: 1) David Tong: 13h30 "Strange Metals and Conductivity in Lifshitz Backgrounds" 2) Martin Schnabl: 14h20 "On multiple branes in OSFT" Break 15h10-15h30 3) Vasily Pestun: 15h30 "Loop operators in N=4 SYM, pure spinors and 2d gauge theory" 4) Rajesh Gopakumar: 16h20 "What is the String Dual of the Hermitian Matrix Model?" |
Numéro de preprint arXiv | |
Commentaires | For abstracts please consult the attached poster |
Fichiers attachés |
Pour obtenir l' affiche de ce séminaire : [ Postscript | PDF ]
[ English version ] |