Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines physics
Date Mercredi 21 Septembre 2011
Heure 15:00
Institut LPS/ENS
Salle Conf-IV
Nom de l'orateur Yokoi
Prenom de l'orateur Nobumitsu
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur University of Tokyo , Japan
Titre Magnetic-field generation and transport suppression due to cross helicity in turbulence
Résumé Primary effect of turbulence is enhancing the effective transports of the system. The representative effects are the eddy viscosity, the anomalous resistivity, the turbulent diffusivity, so on. However, if some symmetry is broken in turbulence, we may have some other effects that suppress the primary effect of turbulence, enhancement of the transport. If turbulence has a finite cross helicity (velocity-magnetic-field correlation) in the presence of the large-scale vortical motion, it induces the electromotive force aligned with the large-scale vorticity. This effect of cross helicity may expand the scope of the dynamo notion in astro- and geophysical phenomena, where large-scale rotational motions are ubiquitously observed. In the talk, the cross helicity effect in dynamo process is discussed with some illustrative examples. Effects of turbulent cross helicity in momentum transport will be also discussed, with special reference to the recent developments in turbulent magnetic reconnection studies.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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