Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines cond-mat
Date Mardi 29 Mai 2012
Heure 11:30
Institut LPTENS
Salle Conf IV, 24 rue Lhomond (LPT ENS, 2nd floor)
Nom de l'orateur Mathy
Prenom de l'orateur Charles
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Harvard
Titre Quantum flutter of supersonic particles in one-dimensional quantum liquids
Résumé I will present exact results on the dynamics of an impurity injected at a supersonic velocity into a one-dimensional quantum liquid [1]. Two main surprising results are revealed in the analysis. Firstly, the momentum of the impurity does not decay to zero, instead it forms a strongly correlated state that propagates at a reduced velocity. Secondly, the system undergoes coherent oscillations in which the impurity vibrates with respect to its correlation hole. These oscillations, which we call quantum flutter, have their origin in a long-lived coherent quantum superposition of two families of quasi-equilibrium states in the system. These results provide the first example of new physics due to supersonic propagation in a strongly coupled non-relativistic many-body system. Furthermore, the main features are robust to changes in the mass of the injected particle with respect to the mass of the particles in the quantum liquid, suggesting that they may be a generic feature of one-dimensional quantum systems. References: [1] C.J.M. Mathy, M.B. Zvonarev and E. Demler. Quantum flutter of supersonic particles in one-dimensional quantum liquids. arXiv:1203.4819 [cond-mat.quant-gas]
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