Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines hep-th
Date Mardi 27 Mai 2014
Heure 15:45
Institut LPTENS
Salle bibliothèque
Nom de l'orateur De Wit
Prenom de l'orateur Bernard
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur NIKHEF
Titre Locally USp(8) invariant IIB Supergravity and E6(6) covariance
Résumé Local USp(8) invariance and E6(6) covariance of IIB supergravity is analyzed in a form where the embedding of the five-dimensional maximal supergravity is made manifest. The ten-dimensional theory yields all the 27 one-form fields and 22 of the 27 two- form fields that are required by the vector-tensor hierarchy of the five-dimensional theory. The missing 5 two-form fields emerge from the elusive ‘dual graviton’. The implications are discussed as well as a partial proof of the consistency of the truncation of IIB supergravity on the five-sphere.
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