Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Acronyme de la série GR-COSMO
Intitulé complet Séminaire du GReCO
Contact Deffayet Cedric
Description This seminar is the weekly seminar of the Gravitation Relativiste et Cosmologie (Relativistic Gravity and Cosmology, GReCO) theory group of the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (Paris Institute for Astrophysics, IAP). It covers a wide range of topics from gravitationnal waves, scalar tensor theories, tests of general relativity, inflationary cosmology, large scale structures and CMB, high energy cosmic rays, brane world models and their cosmology, interactions between high energy phenomenology and cosmology
Domaines astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th
Horaire et localisation habituelle Every thursday afternoon at IAP
Laboratoires parrains IAP
Page WWW de la série
Gabarit d'affiche Latex

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