Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Series Acronym LPTENS-HE
Series Full Title Séminaire commun LPTENS-LPTHE
Contact Person Wiese Kay
Description Joint seminar between LPTENS and LPTHE.
Subjects physics
Usual Schedule and Location every second Monday, at LPTENS or LPTHE
Sponsoring Laboratory(ies) LPTENS,LPTHE
Series Home Page
Latex template for poster \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{times} \usepackage[english,french]{babel} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \textheight = 59pc %for letter 56pc \textwidth42.5pc \marginparsep 60pt \topmargin -61pt \headheight 25pt \headsep 16pt \topskip 10pt \footskip 30pt \columnsep 1.5pc \columnseprule 0pt \footnotesep 1pt \skip\footins 39pt plus 4pt minus 2pt \def\footnoterule{\kern-19pt\hrule width.5in\kern18.6pt}% \floatsep 12pt plus 2pt minus 2pt \textfloatsep 20pt plus 2pt minus 4pt \intextsep 12pt plus 2pt minus 2pt \evensidemargin -26pt %for letter -20pt \oddsidemargin -26pt %for letter -20pt \marginparwidth 107pt \begin{document} \newcommand{\LPTENS}{LPTENS} \newcommand{\LPTHE}{LPTHE} \newcommand{\LPNHE}{LPNHE} \newcommand{\institute}{\semparis_institute} \begin{titlepage} \noindent \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{center} \medskip \Large\sffamily S{\'{e}}minaire commun % au LPTENS \ifx \institute \LPTENS LPTENS-LPTHE \fi % au LPTHE \ifx \institute \LPTHE LPTENS-LPTHE \fi % au LPNHE \ifx \institute \LPNHE LPNHE-LPTENS-LPTHE \fi \medskip \end{center} \end{minipage}} %Title \vfill \noindent \begin{center} \noindent\begin{minipage}{15cm} \sffamily\bfseries\LARGE \begin{center} \semparis_title \end{center} \end{minipage} \end{center} \vfill %Name \centerline{\sffamily\bfseries\Huge \semparis_first_name \semparis_last_name} \bigskip %Institute \centerline{\sffamily\large \semparis_institution} \vfill %Time \smallskip \centerline{\sffamily\bfseries\Large \semparis_day~à \semparis_heure} \vfill %Location \smallskip \centerline{\it\sffamily\large \semparis_institute~--~\semparis_room} \vfill %Abstract \vspace*{-0.5cm} \begin{abstract}\normalsize \semparis_abstract \end{abstract} \ifx \institute \LPTENS \vspace*{4cm}\vfill \centerline{LABORATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE DE L'ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE} \centerline{24, RUE LHOMOND} \centerline{75231 PARIS, CEDEX 05} \centerline{Tel.: +33-(0)1- ou (0)1-} \fi \ifx \institute \LPTHE \vspace*{4cm}\vfill \centerline{LABORATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE ET HAUTES ENERGIES} \centerline{Universit\'es Pierre et Marie Curie (P6) et Denis Diderot (P7)} \centerline{Tour 13-14, 4ème \'etage, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05} \centerline{ Tel: +33-(0)1-44-27-41-21} \fi \ifx \institute \LPNHE \vspace*{4cm}\vfill \centerline{LABORATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE NUCLEAIRE ET HAUTES ENERGIES} \centerline{Universit\'es Pierre et Marie Curie (P6) et Denis Diderot (P7)} \centerline{Tour 33, Rez de Chauss\'ee, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05} \centerline{ Tel: +33-(0)1-44-27-63-13} \fi \end{titlepage} \end{document}

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