Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-LPT
Subjects hep-ph
Date Wednesday 1 March 2017
Time 16:30
Institute LPT
Seminar Room salle 114, Bat 210, 1er etage, LPT Orsay
Speaker's Last Name Lehebel
Speaker's First Name Antoine
Speaker's Email Address antoine [dot] lehebel [at] th [dot] u-psud [dot] fr
Speaker's Institution LPT Orsay
Title Modifying Gravity
Abstract General Relativity has been a successful theory for more than one century now. I will briefly review its accomplishments. However, most of the talk will be devoted to the reasons - both observational and theoretical- that encourage us to modify our current theory of gravity. I will discuss some alternative theories of gravity and their implications. Among these, I will focus on the addition of one scalar degree of freedom to standard GR. We will see some implications for cosmology and black holes.
arXiv Preprint Number

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