Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-PHYS-ENS
Date Thursday 15 June 2017
Time 13:30
Institute DPT-PHYS-ENS
Seminar Room room Conf. IV, 24 Rue Lhomond, ENS Paris
Speaker's Last Name Fischer
Speaker's First Name Alain
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Collège de France
Title What can we do with genes in medicine? The case of immunology
Abstract Over the last 50 years, advances in molecular biology and genetics have made genome engineering possible. This resulted, amongst many applications, in the medical development of gene therapy. The latter was first successfully used to treat rare inherited disorders of the immune system because of specificities of the immune cells (T lymphocytes). Based on a `gene addition’ strategy that requires viruses as gene carriers, gene therapy is now being used to treat several inherited disorders of the immune system while applications to immunotherapy of some cancers have also been successfully implemented. The next challenge will be to edit mutated genes to fix mutations rather than gene addition, a promising strategy that is still in its infancy.
arXiv Preprint Number

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