Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-INFOR
Subjects hep-th,math,math-ph,math.AG,math.CO,math.KT,math.MP,math.QA
Date Wednesday 17 May 2017
Time 11:00
Institute LPTHE
Seminar Room Bibliothèque
Speaker's Last Name Zinn-Justin
Speaker's First Name Paul
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution University of Melbourne
Title Schubert calculus and quantum integrability (2/3)
Abstract Schubert calculus is a branch of enumerative geometry, which deals with configurations of linear subspaces of a vector space. Translated into the modern language, it amounts to certain calculations in the cohomology ring of Grassmannians and flag varieties. A practical problem is to give a combinatorial rule for the structure constants of that ring. A few years ago, I observed that there was a hidden quantum integrability in the case of Grassmannians (for which the combinatorial rule is the so-called Littlewood--Richardson rule). In a somewhat unrelated development, there has been a growing body of work (including my own) showing the deep connection between cohomology theories (ordinary cohomology, K-theory, elliptic cohomology) and quantum integrable systems. In particular Maulik and Okounkov introduced a nice framework for this connection. It is natural to try to reinterpret my observation above in this language. After introducing these various concepts, I shall present recent work with A. Knutson in this direction. In particular, this provides completely new rules for the calculation of structure constants of the equivariant cohomology or K-theory of d-step flag varieties for d smaller or equal to 4, thus moving several "steps" closer to the completion of the program of Schubert calculus.
arXiv Preprint Number

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