Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series WORK-CONF
Subjects math
Date Thursday 17 August 2017
Time 15:30
Institute LPTENS
Seminar Room Room Conf. IV
Speaker's Last Name Yamada
Speaker's First Name Yasuhiko
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution University of Kobe
Title Geometric aspects of discrete Painlevé equations
Abstract 90 min review talk. The theory of discrete Painlevé equations has made great progress in the last two decades. In this talk, we first study simple examples of discrete Painlevé equations using their autonomous limits as a clue. Then, after recapitulating the basic ideas of Sakai's geometric theory of Painlevé equations, we will give an explicit formulation of the most generic case: the elliptic difference Painlevé equation. Finally, we will derive the isomonodromic description (Lax formulation) based on the geometric method. If time permits we will also discuss the tau functions, special solutions, quantization etc. This talk is mainly based on a review with K.Kajiwara and M.Noumi arXiv:1509.08186.
arXiv Preprint Number
Comments Workshop on "Exceptional and ubiquitous Painlevé equations for Physics". Please see webpage

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