Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series WORK-CONF
Subjects math-ph
Date Wednesday 16 August 2017
Time 16:00
Institute LPTENS
Seminar Room Room Conf. IV
Speaker's Last Name Ruijsenaars
Speaker's First Name Simon
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution University of Leeds
Title Integrable systems of Calogero-Moser type
Abstract Systems of Calogero-Moser type are integrable N-particle systems associated with root systems. They are connected to a great many subfields of pure and applied mathematics, and also find applications in various areas of physics. In this lecture we aim to survey this class of systems associated with $A_{N-1}$ and $BC_N$. We mostly deal with the highest level in a hierarchy we shall specify. This top level can be characterised by the catchwords `quantum’, `elliptic’ and `relativistic’. The search for joint eigenfunctions of the $N$ commuting operators has led to a novel and very promising tool, namely so-called kernel functions. We shall also discuss this notion in some detail.
arXiv Preprint Number
Comments Workshop on "Exceptional and ubiquitous Painlevé equations for Physics". Please see webpage

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