Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series STR-LPT-ENS-HE
Subjects hep-th
Date Friday 23 March 2018
Time 14:00
Institute LPTENS
Seminar Room LPTENS library
Speaker's Last Name Douglas
Speaker's First Name Michael
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Stony Brook
Title Computational complexity of cosmology in string theory
Abstract Title: Computational complexity of cosmology in string theory Abstract: We describe a new approach for quantum cosmology based on computational complexity. By defining a cosmology as a space-time containing a vacuum with specified properties (for example small cosmological constant) together with rules for how time evolution will produce the vacuum, we can associate global time in a multiverse with clock time on a supercomputer which simulates it. We argue for a principle of ``limited computational complexity" governing early universe dynamics as simulated by this supercomputer, which translates to a global measure for regulating the infinities of eternal inflation. We also give various definitions of the computational complexity of a cosmology, and argue that there are only a few natural complexity classes.
arXiv Preprint Number 1706.06430

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