Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series LPT-PTH
Subjects hep-ph
Date Thursday 22 March 2018
Time 16:00
Institute LPT
Seminar Room 114
Speaker's Last Name Kozów
Speaker's First Name Pawel
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Warsaw University
Title Same-sign WW scattering at the LHC: can we discover BSM effects before discovering new states?
Abstract It is possible that measurements of vector boson scattering (VBS) processes at the LHC will reveal disagreement with Standard Model predictions, but no new particles will be observed directly. The task is then to learn as much as possible about the new physics from a VBS analysis carried within the framework of the Effective Field Theory (EFT). I will discuss issues related to the correct usage of the EFT when the WW invariant mass is not directly accessible experimentally, as in purely leptonic W decay channels. The strategies for future data analyses in case such scenario indeed occurs will also be proposed.
arXiv Preprint Number

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