Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Subjects astro-ph
Date Friday 15 March 2019
Time 11:00
Institute APC
Seminar Room Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
Speaker's Last Name Vincent
Speaker's First Name Frederic
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Obs de Paris
Title What can we learn from the picture of a black hole?
Abstract The Event Horizon Telescope is a network of millimeter antennas located all around the world. Very-long-baseline interferometry with this array leads to a resolution of the order of 20 µas at the center of our Galaxy, which harbors a supermassive black hole, Sgr A*. This resolution allows to resolve the surroundings of Sgr A* at event-horizon scale, allowing to probe strong-field general relativity in its most extreme regime. In this talk, I will discuss what physics can be done with such an instrument, how it should allow to improve our understanding of the extreme phenomena close to Sgr A*, and whether gravitation itself might be tested.
arXiv Preprint Number

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