Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series MATH-IHES
Subjects math
Date Wednesday 30 January 2019
Time 16:30
Institute IHES
Seminar Room Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane
Speaker's Last Name Monclair
Speaker's First Name Daniel
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Unniversité Paris-Sud
Title Non-differentiability of limit sets in anti-de Sitter geometry
Abstract The study of Anosov representations deals with discrete subgroups of Lie groups that have a nice limit set, meaning that they share the dynamical properties of limit sets in hyperbolic geometry. However, the geometry of these limits sets is different: while limit sets in hyperbolic geometry have a fractal nature (e.g. non-integer Hausdorff dimension), some Anosov groups have a more regular limit set (e.g. C1 for Hitchin representations). My talk will focus on quasi-Fuchsian subgroups of SO(n,2), and show that the situation is intermediate: their limit sets are Lipschitz submanifolds, but not C1. I will discuss the two main steps of the proof. The first one classifies the possible Zariski closures of such groups. The second uses anti-de Sitter geometry in order to determine the limit cone of such a group with a C1 limit set. Based on joint work with Olivier Glorieux.
arXiv Preprint Number
Comments Séminaire Géométrie et groupes discrets

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