Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-LPTM-UCP
Date Thursday 14 February 2019
Time 14:00
Institute LPTM
Seminar Room 4.13 St Martin II
Speaker's Last Name Helias
Speaker's First Name Moritz
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Research Centre Jülich, ALLEMAGNE
Title Statistical mechanics of correlated neuronal variability
Abstract Neuronal networks are many particle systems with interesting physical properties: They operate far from thermodynamic equilibrium and show correlated states of collective activity that result from the interaction of large numbers of relatively simple units [1]. We here present recent progress towards a quantitative understanding of such systems by application of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Mean-field theory and linear response theory capture many qualitative properties of the "ground state" of recurrent networks [2]. A fundamental quantity required is the single neuron transfer function. Formally, it constitutes an escape problem driven by colored noise. We recently applied boundary layer theory to obtain a reduction to the technically much simpler white noise problem [3]. It allows us, for example, to formulate a theory of finite-size fluctuations in layered neuronal networks [4]. Verification of such theoretical predictions is fundamentally hindered by sub-sampling: We only see a tiny fraction of all neurons within the living brain at a time. Employing tools from disordered systems (spin glasses) combined with an auxiliary field formulation, we overcome this issue by deriving a mean-field theory that is valid beyond the commonly-made self-averaging assumption. It predicts that the heterogeneity of the network connectivity enables a novel sort of critical dynamics which unfolds in a low-dimensional subspace [5]. The functional consequences are analyzed by importing tools from field theory of stochastic differential equations. We obtain closed-form expressions for the transition to chaos and for the sequential memory capacity of the network by help of replica calculations [6]. We find that cortical networks operate in a hitherto unreported regime that combines instability on short time scales with asymptotically non-chaotic dynamics; a regime which has optimal memory capacity. As an outlook we present two directions in which field-theoretical methods enable insights into network dynamics: First, a novel diagrammatic expansion of the effective action around non-Gaussian solvable theories [7]; we exemplify this method by finally providing the long-searched for diagrammatic formulation of the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer mean-field theory of the Ising model. Second, the application of the functional renormaliztion group to neuronal dynamics [8]. It enables the systematic study of second order phase transitions in such networks.
arXiv Preprint Number

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