Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series RENC-THEO
Subjects hep-th
Date Thursday 23 January 2020
Time 10:00
Institute LPTHE
Seminar Room bibliothèque du LPTHE, tour 13-14, 4eme étage
Speaker's Last Name Biroli
Speaker's First Name Giulio
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution LPENS
Title A connection between SYK physics and glassy dynamics
Abstract From the stochastic dynamics of a broad class of classical mean-field glass models, one may obtain a quantum model with finite zero-temperature entropy, a quantum transition at zero temperature, and a time-reparametrization (quasi)invariance in the dynamical equations for correlations. The low-eigenvalue spectrum of the resulting quantum model is directly related to the structure and exploration of metastable states in the landscape of the original classical glass model. This mapping reveals deep connections between classical glasses and the properties of SYK-like models.
arXiv Preprint Number 1906.09228
  • RT.pdf (2185634 bytes) OPEN

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