Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series STR-LPT-ENS-HE
Subjects hep-th
Date Tuesday 24 September 2019
Time 11:30
Institute LPTENS
Seminar Room LPTENS library
Speaker's Last Name Toldo
Speaker's First Name Chiara
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution CPHT
Title Filling the boundary: NUTs, Bolts and rotating AdS black holes
Abstract I will review recent progress in computing the partition function of 3d SCFTs on closed manifolds via supersymmetric localization. I will then provide examples of dual supergravity solutions having as conformal boundary such manifolds. I will start with the simple case where the dual geometry is a static AdS black hole, showing how the microstate counting in the dual field theory accounts for black hole entropy. Then I will describe solutions having as boundary a circle bundle over closed 2d Riemann surface (AdS-Taub-NUT and AdS-Taub-Bolt) and I will show the matching of their on-shell action with the large N limit of the partition function of the dual CFT. I will finally discuss some recent results for a third and more challenging example, which involves the refinement by angular momentum.
arXiv Preprint Number
  • ENS.pdf (861156 bytes) OPEN

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