Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-LPTMC
Subjects cond-mat.mes-hall
Date Wednesday 11 December 2019
Time 14:00
Institute LPTMC
Seminar Room Jussieu tower 13-12 5th floor room 5-23
Speaker's Last Name Wetterich
Speaker's First Name Christof
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution ITP Heidelberg
Title Quantum mechanics and quantum computation from classical bits
Abstract Probabilistic or deterministic operations on Ising spins or classical bits can perform the unitary time evolution of quantum mechanics, or the unitary gates of quantum computing. Quantum subsystems obtain from classical statistical systems by restriction to a subset of correlation functions. The quantum formalism with the density matrix or wave functions, and non-commutative operators for observables, arises naturally in this setting. We propose a possible realization of Q qubits by 3Q classical bits. We discuss static memory materials based on equilibrium states of generalized Ising models that show interference effects in the bulk, depending on boundary conditions. Neural networks can learn quantum gates. We argue that quantum mechanics can be embedded in classical probabilistic theories, without the need of separate axioms.
arXiv Preprint Number

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