Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series FORUM-ENS
Subjects cond-mat.stat-mech
Date Wednesday 5 February 2020
Time 12:00
Institute LPENS
Seminar Room Conf. IV
Speaker's Last Name Bertini
Speaker's First Name Bruno
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution University of Ljubljana
Title Non-equilibrium dynamics in dual-unitary quantum circuits
Abstract Abstract: I will consider the non-equilibrium dynamics of a recently introduced class of "statistically solvable” many-body quantum systems: the dual-unitary circuits. These systems furnish a minimal modelling of generic locally interacting many-body quantum systems: they are generically non-integrable and include a quantum chaotic subclass. I will first discuss the dynamics of initial-state dependent quantities, such as the entanglement entropies and local correlators, showing that it is possible to find (and classify) a family of initial states in MPS form that allow for an exact solution of the dynamics (also in the presence of quantum chaos). Then I will discuss the dynamics of an initial-state independent quantity, the so called “operator entanglement”, that measures the growth of entanglement that the Heisenberg evolution induces in operator space. I will show that one can identify different subclasses of dual- unitary circuits. In particular I will describe a “maximally chaotic” subclass, where the entanglement of local operators grows linearly, and a “dynamically constrained” one, where the entanglement of local operators is bounded.
arXiv Preprint Number

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