Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series RENC-THEO
Subjects hep-th
Date Thursday 27 February 2020
Time 10:00
Institute IHP
Seminar Room 314
Speaker's Last Name Adamo
Speaker's First Name Timothy
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Edinburgh
Title Scattering in chiral strong backgrounds
Abstract There are many reasons to be interested in perturbative quantum field theory in the presence of strong background fields, but surprisingly little is known in these scenarios, especially when compared to trivial backgrounds. For instance, the full semi-classical S-matrices of gauge theory and gravity are known in a trivial perturbative background, but even for simple strong backgrounds the tree-level amplitudes of these theories have not been computed beyond four-external particles. This raises the question: are all-multiplicity formulae (and other hallmarks of the study of scattering amplitudes in recent years) inextricably tied to trivial backgrounds? In this talk, I will demonstrate that for the simplest strong backgrounds (chiral plane waves in four-dimensions), we can find all-multiplicity expressions for tree-level scattering amplitudes which are remarkably simple and clearly un-related to the standard perturbative expansion of background-coupled field theory.
arXiv Preprint Number
  • Paris20.pdf (486237 bytes) OPEN

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