Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series LPENS-BQ
Subjects cond-mat
Date Thursday 6 October 2022
Time 12:45
Institute LPENS
Seminar Room L367
Speaker's Last Name Murthy
Speaker's First Name Chaitanya
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Stanford
Title A stability bound on the T-linear resistivity of conventional metals
Abstract Abstract: Perturbative considerations account for the properties of conventional metals, including the range of temperatures T where the transport scattering rate is 1/tau_tr = 2 \pi \lambda T, where \lambda is a dimensionless strength of the electron-phonon coupling. The fact that measured values satisfy \lambda <~ 1 has been noted in the context of a possible "Planckian" bound on transport. However, since the electron-phonon scattering is quasi-elastic in this regime, no such Planckian considerations can be relevant. I will argue, based on Monte Carlo results on the Holstein model, that a different sort of bound is at play: a "stability" bound on \lambda consistent with metallic transport. I will then speculate that a qualitatively similar bound on the strength of residual interactions, which is often stronger than Planckian, may apply to metals more generally.
arXiv Preprint Number

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