Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series TQM
Subjects cond-mat
Date Thursday 11 May 2023
Time 14:00
Institute LPTHE
Seminar Room INSP Jussieu towers 22-23 room 3-17
Speaker's Last Name Schmitt
Speaker's First Name Aurélien
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution LPENS Paris
Title Mesoscopic Klein-Schwinger effect in graphene
Abstract Vacuum breakdown by particle-antiparticle pair creation under intense electric field, introduced by Sauter and Schwinger, is a basic non-perturbative prediction of quantum electrodynamics. Its high-energy physics experimental demonstration remains elusive as the threshold electric fields are extremely strong and beyond current reach, even for the light electron-positron pairs. Here we put forward a mesoscopic variant of the Schwinger effect in graphene, which hosts Dirac fermions with an approximate electron-hole symmetry. Using DC transport and radiofrequency noise measurements, we report on universal one-dimensional Schwinger conductance at the pinchoff of ballistic graphene transistors. Strong pinchoff electric fields are concentrated within approximately 1µm of the transistor’s drain; they generate a giant Klein collimation that acts as a seed for 1D Schwinger electron- hole pair creation at saturation. The theoretical prediction for 1D Schwinger effect is quantitatively verified in its full non-perturbative development. These observations give clues to current saturation limits in ballistic graphene, and pave the way for further quantum electrodynamics experiments in the laboratory.
arXiv Preprint Number

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