Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Series Acronym LPENS-BQ
Series Full Title Balades Quantiques de le LPENS
Contact Person Pappalardi Silvia
Description The focus of the seminar will be on aspects of quantum many-body theory, quantum statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, both in and out of equilibrium. It will be held approximately once every two weeks (possible adjustments will be made along the way). The seminar is intended to be informal, and speakers are welcomed to either present their own work or papers they find interesting, both through blackboard or slide-show presentations. The major goal is to exchange ideas and create a relaxed and fertile environment for discussions among researchers working on quantum physics in Paris.
Subjects cond-mat
Usual Schedule and Location Thursdays at 12:45 in L367 at 24 Rue Lhomonde, 75005
Sponsoring Laboratory(ies) LPENS
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