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Wednesday 18 September 2024, 14:00 at IJCLAB, 210/1-114 - Salle des Séminaires | IJCLAB-COSM (Seminar of the Gravity and cosmology group of IJCLAB) | gr-qc |
Abstract: | Linear-perturbation theory has proven to be an extremely powerful tool to compare inflationary models with observational data. Recently, the newcoming high-precision observations call for predictions beyond linear perturbations. Such effects are known to be relevant for example in the production of primordial black holes or scalar-induced gravitational waves. The separate-universe approach proposes to capture some of these non-linearities. It describes the universe as a set of causally disconnected homogeneous and isotropic patches (FLRW). In this talk, I will show that by allowing the patches to exhibit constant curvature, the separate-universe approach can be extended to non- slow-roll models. I will discuss the case of ultra-slow roll where this new approach allows to correctly predict the power spectrum of scalar perturbations together with non-Gaussianities. |
Thursday 19 September 2024, 10:00 at IHP, Salle Grisvard (314) | RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) | hep-th |
Abstract: | Abstract: In the planar limit of a large number of colors, N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory becomes integrable and certain scattering amplitudes and form factors can be computed to 8 loops. Due to known symmetries, the first nontrivial amplitude in this theory is for six gluons. It can be bootstrapped to high loop order, using the rigidity of the function space of multiple polylogarithms and information from integrability, namely the pentagon OPE. A particular form factor, for the chiral stress-tensor operator to produce 3 gluons, can be bootstrapped through 8 loops. This form factor is the N=4 analog of the LHC process, gluon gluon --> Higgs + gluon. Remarkably, the two quantities are related by a mysterious antipodal duality, which exchanges the role of branch cuts and derivatives. Furthermore, this duality is explained by an antipodal self-duality of the 4-gluon form factor of the same operator. The self-duality has been verified through 3 loops. Recently, antipodal self-duality has appeared in certain square fishnet integrals that govern 4-point correlators in a strongly-deformed limit of planar N=4 SYM. However, we still don't know who ordered antipodal (self-)duality, or what it really means. |
Thursday 19 September 2024, 11:00 at IHES, Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane | MATH-IHES (TBA) | math |
Abstract: | The notion of micro support in mixed characteristic is formulated using the Frobenius--Witt cotangent bundle but the existence of the singular support is not yet known. We introduce a relative notion of micro support over a fixed regular scheme S and prove the existence of a saturation of the relative singular support on smooth schemes over S. The proof is a variation of that by Beilinson using the Radon transform. |
Thursday 19 September 2024, 11:45 at IHP, Salle Grisvard (314) | RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) | hep-th |
Abstract: | I will discuss abstract weakly relevant flows in a general number of dimensions, which arguably provide the simplest example of a renormalization group (RG) flow between two non-trivial fixed points. I will compute several two-point correlation functions in position space valid along the whole RG flow. I will then focus on four dimensions and compute the change of the a- and c-trace anomalies along the flow in this theory. |
Friday 20 September 2024, 14:00 at
Library and Zoom (link in the comments) ( The seminar will be in person, but Zoom attendance is possible: ) | LPTHE-PPH (Particle Physics at LPTHE) | hep-ph |
Abstract: | Relativistic degrees of freedom or N_eff is one of the crucial cosmological parameters and is sensitive to extra radiation energy density at the time of neutrino decoupling. The precise measurement of $N_eff$ at the time of CMB formation by Planck 2018 can be used to understand fundamental interactions and to shed light on beyond standard model (BSM) scenarios. In this talk I will explain how N_eff can probe light (MeV) freeze in dark matter models which contain additional neutrino injection at late time. We propose a scenario where a long lived scalar decays to a dark matter and active neutrinos after BBN. Despite the feeble coupling of DM the parameter space can be probed via N_eff. I will also talk about how N_eff at CMB can constrain light Z' gauge boson realized in generic BSM U(1)_X scenarios. Finally, from the perspective of ground based experiments, I will show how table top experiments like optically trapped nanospheres can shed light on MeV scale dark matter and other BSM particles like ALP. |
Monday 23 September 2024, 14:00 at
Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane ( Séminaire Géométrie et groupes discrets ) | MATH-IHES (TBA) | math |
Abstract: | : A Teichmüller curve V in Mg is an isometrically immersed algebraic curve in the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. These rare, extremal objects lie at the nexus of algebraic geometry, number theory, complex analysis and surface topology. We will discuss some ideas behind the known constructions of Teichmüller curves that have been discovered over the past 30 years, and a selection of open problems. |
Monday 23 September 2024, 14:15 at IPHT, Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774 | COURS (Cours) | physics |
Abstract: | Abstract:\newline Many numerical computations in physics require applying repetitively the same operations on large arrays, a type of task likely to receive a substantial gain in speed when parallelized. Traditionally, parallelism has been achieved by increasing the number of CPUs in a computer, or the number of computing cores in each CPU.\\ Graphical Processing Units (GPU) may be viewed as a specialized type of processor with thousands of computing cores. Thanks to a combination of hardware and software developments, their use has expanded from the domain of computer graphics into that of general purpose computing. Besides commercial softwares written to take advantage of the computing power of GPUs, several tools exist to develop computer programs that offload parts of a computation to one or more GPUs.\\ Among these programming frameworks, CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is one of the most widely employed. CUDA is an extension of the C language, but can be used also in C, FORTRAN, Python and many other programming languages. The goal of this course is to expose the concepts of CUDA programming from the ground up, in order to write simple programs that use GPUs to accelerate critical sections of code.\\ Architecture of a GPU (computing units, memory, interplay with the host computer). What type of tasks are GPUs good for? Memory operations (allocation, data transfer to and from a GPU). GPU shared memory. CUDA kernels. Streams, synchronization between dependent tasks. Reduction operations on a GPU. Available libraries: cuFFT, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuRAND. |
Monday 23 September 2024, 16:00 at
Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane ( Séminaire Géométrie et groupes discrets ) | MATH-IHES (TBA) | math |
Abstract: | : I will give several definitions of entropy at infinity for a dynamical system on a noncompact topological space. In the case of geodesic flows in negative curvature, in joint work with S. Gouëzel and S. Tapie, we showed that these definitions coincide. When the entropy at infinity is strictly smaller than the topological entropy, we obtained numerous interesting applications in the past few years. In a more recent work with A. Florio and A. Vaugon, we are able to prove that some of these properties still hold in the generality of hyperbolic flows on noncompact manifolds. I will try to give the flavour of these works. |
Wednesday 25 September 2024, 14:00 at IJCLAB, 210/1-114 - Salle des Séminaires | IJCLAB-COSM (Seminar of the Gravity and cosmology group of IJCLAB) | gr-qc |
Thursday 26 September 2024, 11:00 at IHES, Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane | MATH-IHES (TBA) | math |
Abstract: | The work discussed is joint with André Belotto da Silva, Michael Temkin and Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk. Given a subvariety X of a nonsingular complex variety Y carrying a monomial foliation F, we construct an embedded resolution of singularities of X that is aligned with the foliation F, solving a problem of Belotto da Silva. This in particular implies resolution of singularities of singular integrable foliations. |
Thursday 26 September 2024, 11:00 at LPTHE, bibliothèque du LPTHE, tour 13-14, 4eme étage | SEM-DARBOUX (Séminaire Darboux - physique théorique et mathématiques) | hep-th |
Abstract: | I will speak about extremal problems in the (spectral) geometry of hyperbolic surfaces and how linear programming methods, inspired by bounds on the density of Euclidean sphere packings, can help. This is joint work with Maxime Fortier Bourque. |
Thursday 26 September 2024, 14:00 at IJCLAB, 100/2-A201 - Salle A201 (IJCLab) | IJCLAB-HEP (Particle Physics Seminars at IJCLab) | hep-ph |
Abstract: | In this seminar, I will present two topics on cutting-edge techniques in high-energy physics calculations. The first part will cover Yukawa-enhanced and Higgs self-coupling type electroweak corrections to di-Higgs production via gluon fusion. This involves the computation of a four-scale, two-loop amplitude retaining the exact symbolic dependence on all masses and scales. The resulting integrals are evaluated using sector decomposition and differential equation methods, with differential cross sections showing the corrections are most significant at low invariant mass and transverse momentum. The second part introduces an alternative approach to contour deformation for computing loop integrals in the Minkowski regime. By identifying and resolving singular hypersurfaces with blow-ups and sector decomposition techniques, this method improves convergence without requiring complex contour deformation. We demonstrate this technique on various examples, comparing its performance to traditional methods, and highlighting its potential for practical applications. |
Thursday 26 September 2024, 17:00 at UFR-PHYS-SU, Amphi 25 Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Jussieu | CPMC (Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie) | astro-ph|cond-mat|gr-qc|hep-ex|hep-lat|hep-ph|hep-th|physics|quant-ph |
Abstract: | TBA |
Monday 30 September 2024, 11:00 at
Jussieu, LPTMC seminar room, towers 13-12, 5th floor, room 523 ( ) | SEM-EXCEP (Seminaire exceptionnel) | cond-mat |
Abstract: | We introduce a Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain for Boltzmann distributions of classical spin systems. It relies on approximate tensor network contractions to propose correlated collective updates at each step of the evolution. We present benchmarks for a variety of instances of the two-dimensional Ising model, including ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, (fully) frustrated and Edwards-Anderson spin glass cases. With modest computational effort, our Markov chain achieves sizeable acceptance rates, even in the vicinity of critical points. It compares well with other Monte Carlo schemes such as the Metropolis or Wolff algorithm: equilibration times appear to be reduced by a factor that varies between 40 and 2000, depending on the model and the observable being monitored. The scheme can be adapted to three dimensions, matrix models, or a confined gas of hard spheres. |
Monday 30 September 2024, 11:00 at IPHT, Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774 | IPHT-PHM (Séminaire de physique mathématique) | math-ph |
Abstract: | Quantum critical systems constitute appealing platforms for the exploration of novel measurement-induced phenomena due to their innate sensitivity to perturbations. We study the impact of measurement on Ising chains using an explicit protocol, whereby uncorrelated ancillae are entangled with the critical chain and then projectively measured. These measurements can modify the Ising order-parameter scaling dimension in a significant way, and we show that varying the measurement basis can induce a flow towards different conformal invariant boundary conditions. We validate this analysis for two different microscopic realizations of the same critical theory. We further investigate the impact of measurements on the tricritical Ising model, finding how they can trigger a non-trivial flow to different boundary conditions. |
Monday 30 September 2024, 14:15 at IPHT, Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774 | COURS (Cours) | physics |
Abstract: | Abstract:\newline Many numerical computations in physics require applying repetitively the same operations on large arrays, a type of task likely to receive a substantial gain in speed when parallelized. Traditionally, parallelism has been achieved by increasing the number of CPUs in a computer, or the number of computing cores in each CPU.\\ Graphical Processing Units (GPU) may be viewed as a specialized type of processor with thousands of computing cores. Thanks to a combination of hardware and software developments, their use has expanded from the domain of computer graphics into that of general purpose computing. Besides commercial softwares written to take advantage of the computing power of GPUs, several tools exist to develop computer programs that offload parts of a computation to one or more GPUs.\\ Among these programming frameworks, CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is one of the most widely employed. CUDA is an extension of the C language, but can be used also in C, FORTRAN, Python and many other programming languages. The goal of this course is to expose the concepts of CUDA programming from the ground up, in order to write simple programs that use GPUs to accelerate critical sections of code.\\ Architecture of a GPU (computing units, memory, interplay with the host computer). What type of tasks are GPUs good for? Memory operations (allocation, data transfer to and from a GPU). GPU shared memory. CUDA kernels. Streams, synchronization between dependent tasks. Reduction operations on a GPU. Available libraries: cuFFT, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuRAND. |
Tuesday 1 October 2024, 11:00 at
Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons ( Séminaire Laurent Schwartz -- EDP et applications ) | MATH-IHES (TBA) | math |
Tuesday 1 October 2024, 13:30 at
Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons ( Séminaire Laurent Schwartz -- EDP et applications ) | MATH-IHES (TBA) | math |
Tuesday 1 October 2024, 15:00 at
Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons ( Séminaire Laurent Schwartz -- EDP et applications ) | MATH-IHES (TBA) | math |
Thursday 3 October 2024, 10:00 at IHP, Salle Yvette Cauchois (batiment Perrin) | RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) | hep-th |
Friday 4 October 2024, 14:00 at IJCLAB, 100/2-A201 - Salle A201 (IJCLab) | IJCLAB-HEP (Particle Physics Seminars at IJCLab) | hep-ph |
Abstract: | In this talk I plan to discuss the QCD+QED corrections to Light by Light scattering (LbL) process at next-to-leading order (NLO). The recent experimental observation of this fundamental process at the Large Hadron Collider has revived the interest to precisely predict its cross-section. We discuss two radically different computational approaches, both exact in the fermion mass dependence, thus offering a strong cross-check of our results. The first approach is a fully analytic method to calculate compact and well-organized two-loop helicity amplitudes. The second one is entirely numerical and leverages the Local Unitarity construction. Our two calculations agree with each other and conclude that including the exact fermion mass contribution typically increases the size of the NLO corrections. We also compare our results with the ATLAS measurement of LbL in ultra-peripheral lead-lead collisions, and find that the inclusion of exact NLO corrections reduces, but does not eliminate, the existing tension with theoretical predictions. |
Monday 7 October 2024, 14:15 at IPHT, Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774 | COURS (Cours) | physics |
Abstract: | Abstract:\newline Many numerical computations in physics require applying repetitively the same operations on large arrays, a type of task likely to receive a substantial gain in speed when parallelized. Traditionally, parallelism has been achieved by increasing the number of CPUs in a computer, or the number of computing cores in each CPU.\\ Graphical Processing Units (GPU) may be viewed as a specialized type of processor with thousands of computing cores. Thanks to a combination of hardware and software developments, their use has expanded from the domain of computer graphics into that of general purpose computing. Besides commercial softwares written to take advantage of the computing power of GPUs, several tools exist to develop computer programs that offload parts of a computation to one or more GPUs.\\ Among these programming frameworks, CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is one of the most widely employed. CUDA is an extension of the C language, but can be used also in C, FORTRAN, Python and many other programming languages. The goal of this course is to expose the concepts of CUDA programming from the ground up, in order to write simple programs that use GPUs to accelerate critical sections of code.\\ Architecture of a GPU (computing units, memory, interplay with the host computer). What type of tasks are GPUs good for? Memory operations (allocation, data transfer to and from a GPU). GPU shared memory. CUDA kernels. Streams, synchronization between dependent tasks. Reduction operations on a GPU. Available libraries: cuFFT, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuRAND. |
Tuesday 8 October 2024, 10:45 at LPTMC, campus Jussieu, couloir 12-13, 5ème étage, salle 5-23 | SEM-LPTMC (Séminaire du Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée) | cond-mat.stat-mech |
Abstract: | A system, subject to continuous exchanges of matter, energy or information with its surroundings, may reach a non-equilibrium steady state in which various currents break time-reversal invariance and continuously generate entropy. Such a state can not be accounted for by the Principles of Thermodynamics or the Gibbs-Boltzmann laws of statistical physics. Besides, linear response theory and the Onsager-Machlup functional provide useful descriptions of large scale fluctuations in such driven systems only at first order, in the vicinity of equilibrium. In the last two decades, important advances in our understanding of processes far from equilibrium have been achieved, for which rare events, large deviations and Fluctuations relations provide a unified framework. The emergence of universal features can be studied thanks to a variational principle, proposed by G. Jona-Lasinio and his collaborators, known as the Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory (MFT). In this theory, optimal fluctuations far from equilibrium are determined at a coarse-grained scale by two coupled non-linear hydrodynamic equations. The objective of this talk is to present these concepts and to illustrate them with some exact solutions of the MFT equations. |
Thursday 10 October 2024, 14:00 at IJCLAB, Room A018 | NUC-THEO (Séminaire de physique nucléaire théorique) | nucl-th |
Abstract: | In this work, we investigate the possibility to describe the deuteron, the lightest bound nuclear system made of a single proton and a single neutron, within a mean-field-based framework. At first glance, this endeavor might appear paradoxical as such a two-body system does not warrant, a priori, the use of a mean-field approximation. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that by enriching the mean-field description through the addition of symmetry-breaking and -restoration techniques, it is possible to obtain an exact description of the deuteron within a scheme that, for all intents and purposes, conserves a mean-field complexity. More precisely, we show that the variation after particle-number projection exploring the space of Bogoliubov quasi-particle states is able to perfectly reproduce the deuteron binding energy as well as the expectation value for the other observables characterizing its $1^+$ ground state. A key condition to achieve this correct description is the inclusion of proton-neutron pairing through the mixing of proton and neutron single-particle states in the Bogoliubov reference states. Interestingly, the results presented in this work illustrate in the case of a finite system the known fact that the neutron-proton BCS equation becomes equivalent to the Schrödinger equation for the deuteron in low-density symmetric nuclear matter. | |
Attachments: |
Thursday 31 October 2024, 14:00 at LPTMC, Jussieu, LPTMC seminar room, towers 13-12, 5th floor, room 523 | SEM-LPTMC (Séminaire du Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée) | cond-mat |
Abstract: | TBA |
Thursday 14 November 2024, 14:00 at LPTMC, Jussieu, LPTMC seminar room, towers 13-12, 5th floor, room 523 | SEM-LPTMC (Séminaire du Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée) | cond-mat |
Abstract: | Understanding the interplay between individual magnetic impurities and superconductivity is crucial for bottom-up construction of novel phases of matter, as well as to exploit the local response as a probing tool. For decades, the description by Yu, Shiba and Rusinov (YSR) of single spins in a superconductor and its extension to include quantum effects has proven highly successful: the pair-breaking potential of the spin generates sub-gap bound states. I will first show how atomically-resolved shot noise can be used to reveal the coherent and incoherent dynamics of such sub-gap bound states [1]. By tuning the energy of the sub-gap states through zero, the impurity screening by the superconductor makes the ground state gain or lose an electron, signalling a parity breaking quantum phase transition. I will present a set of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements that explicitly invalidate the classical YSR paradigm, and propose an interpretation in terms of a multi-orbital Anderson impurity model [2]. In particular, I show that in multi-orbital impurities, electronic correlations can conversely lead to a quantum phase transition where the impurity mean occupation changes dramatically, without significant effect of the screening by the superconductor. This finding implies that the YSR treatment is not always valid, and that intra-atomic interactions, particularly Hunds coupling that favours high-spin configurations, are an essential ingredient for understanding the sub-gap states. [1] U. Thupakula, V. Perrin, A. Palacio-Morales, L. Cario, M. Aprili, P. Simon, F. Massee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 247001 (2022) [2] M. Uldemolins, A. Mesaros, G. D. Gu, A. Palacio-Morales, M. Aprili, P. Simon, and F. Massee, Interaction- driven quantum phase transition of a single magnetic impurity in Fe(Se,Te) 2023, arXiv:2310.06030. |
Thursday 28 November 2024, 17:00 at UFR-PHYS-SU, Amphi 25 Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Jussieu | CPMC (Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie) | astro-ph|cond-mat|gr-qc|hep-ex|hep-lat|hep-ph|hep-th|physics|quant-ph |
Abstract: | TBA |
Thursday 12 December 2024, 14:00 at LPTMC, Jussieu, LPTMC seminar room, towers 13-12, 5th floor, room 523 | SEM-LPTMC (Séminaire du Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée) | cond-mat |
Abstract: | The study of moiré engineering started with the advent of van der Waals heterostructures, in which stacking 2D layers with different lattice constants leads to a moiré pattern controlling their electronic properties. The field entered a new era when it was found that adjusting the twist between two graphene layers led to strongly-correlated-electron physics [1] and topological effects associated with atomic relaxation [2]. A twist is now routinely used to adjust the properties of 2D materials. I will first discuss the effect of heterostrain where a layer is strained with respect to the other and its strong impact on electronic properties of twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle [3.4]. I will then discuss a new type of moiré superlattice in bilayer graphene when one layer is biaxially strained with respect to the otherso-called biaxial heterostrain. Scanning tunneling microscopy measurements uncover spiraling electronic states associated with a novel symmetry-breaking atomic reconstruction at small biaxial heterostrain [5]. Atomistic calculations using experimental parameters as inputs reveal that a giant atomic swirl forms around regions of aligned stacking to reduce the mechanical energy of the bilayer. Tight-binding calculations performed on the relaxed structure show that the observed electronic states decorate spiraling domain wall solitons as required by topology. This study establishes biaxial heterostrain as an important parameter to be harnessed for the next step of moiré engineering in van der Waals multilayers. [1] Y.Cao et al. Nature 556 (2018) 4350 [2] S. Huang et al. Phys. Rev. Lett 121 (2018) 077702 [3] L. Huder et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 156405 [3] F. Mesple et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 126405 [5] F. Mesple et al. Adv. Mater 35 (2023) 2306312 |
Thursday 9 January 2025, 11:00 at LPTHE, bibliothèque du LPTHE, tour 13-14, 4eme étage | SEM-DARBOUX (Séminaire Darboux - physique théorique et mathématiques) | hep-th |
Thursday 23 January 2025, 11:00 at LPTHE, bibliothèque du LPTHE, tour 13-14, 4eme étage | SEM-DARBOUX (Séminaire Darboux - physique théorique et mathématiques) | hep-th |
[ English version ] |