Status | Confirmed |
Seminar Series | MATH-IHES |
Subjects | math |
Date | Thursday 19 September 2024 |
Time | 11:00 |
Institute | IHES |
Seminar Room | Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane |
Speaker's Last Name | Saito |
Speaker's First Name | Takeshi |
Speaker's Email Address | |
Speaker's Institution | Université de Tokyo et IHES |
Title | On Relative Singular Support in Mixed Characteristic |
Abstract | The notion of micro support in mixed characteristic is formulated using the Frobenius--Witt cotangent bundle but the existence of the singular support is not yet known. We introduce a relative notion of micro support over a fixed regular scheme S and prove the existence of a saturation of the relative singular support on smooth schemes over S. The proof is a variation of that by Beilinson using the Radon transform. |
arXiv Preprint Number | |
Comments | |
Attachments |
To Generate a poster for this seminar : [ Postscript | PDF ]
[ English version ] |